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Contact Us

Congregation Or Shalom
835 Darby Paoli Road
Berwyn, PA 19312
Tel: 610-644-9086


Spiritual Leader:
Cantor Stephen Freedman

Betsy Cohen

Education Director:

Office Manager:
Lauren Porter

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Men’s Club

The Or Shalom Men’s Club is the men’s fellowship organization at Or Shalom. Our goals are to provide friendship and support to each other and all members of our congregation and community.  Depending on circumstances, we try to hold monthly meetings on Sunday mornings from September through June.

Our meetings usually feature a bagel breakfast and a speaker, either from the congregation or a guest. Subjects covered in recent talks have ranged from commercial weather forecasting to innovations in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. We are always interested in finding new speakers, so please contact Scott Markovitz if you would like to volunteer or have a suggestion.

One activity in the fall and one in the spring are devoted to indoor and outdoor maintenance of Or Shalom. Additionally, once a year in the summer, we lead a Make Or Shalom Beautiful event in which all members of the synagogue are encouraged to participate.

The Men’s Club also assists in the preparation of our sanctuary for the High Holidays. We also erect the synagogue Sukkah each year.

In addition to the above, the Men’s Club holds game nights and social gatherings at member’s homes and outside venues.  We also take day trips to interesting destinations in the surrounding area.

Please contact the office or Scott Markovitz if you would like to get involved.