Aids to participate in Services
Some people who attend services at home have not yet purchased our Lev Shalem Siddur. The below links provide outlines showing the corresponding page numbers for Siddur Sim Shalom as well as the thinner version used for Shabbat only. We are also providing audio files to help our attendees learn the melodies we use at these services.
Friday night services:
Or Shalom Friday Night Service- as of November 2022
Melodies used during Friday night services:
Yedid Nefesh
Psalm 95
Psalm 96
Psalm 97 and 98
Psalm 99
Psalm 29
Le Chah Dodi
Psalm 92
Ahavat Olam
Shema Vehavta
Chatzi Kaddish
Oseh Shalom
Magen Avot
Adon Olam
Mourner’s Kaddish
Others coming soon
Saturday morning services:
Saturday Morning Services (3) November 2022
Shochen Ad
El Adon