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Congregation Or Shalom
835 Darby Paoli Road
Berwyn, PA 19312
Tel: 610-644-9086


Spiritual Leader:
Cantor Stephen Freedman

Betsy Cohen

Education Director:

Office Manager:
Lauren Porter

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President’s Column

Commencement, Transition, Challenges and Triumph

Commencement: the beginning of one thing, and the end of another thing; a change in a position, status, or a season; a transition from one place to another. Sometimes we’re prepared for a change, and sometimes not. Some of life’s most valuable learning experiences comes from not being prepared when we’re facing a different position, status, or season.

This does not come without its challenges. It is said that challenges give us the opportunity to discover and exhibit our own strengths. We are placed in a position where we face success or failure, and we have to choose the course of action which we hope will give us the best possible result.

We are forced to make decisions that impact our lives, our livelihoods, our well being–as well as the lives of others.

As human beings, we can all relate to these statements.

One thing that the Jewish community as a whole can say is that it is a community which is driven by the spirit of love, family, and filled with a People who have the ability to repeatedly triumph over challenges–from opposing nations, situations, and circumstances; challenges with members of our own communities, in and out of our private circles.

We have triumphed over population challenges, housekeeping challenges, financial challenges; we have endured through seasons of oppression, suppression, and depression–and emerged standing.

Or Shalom has seen its share of challenges, and we have demontrated time and time again that we are a resilient community, filled with members who are committed to family, to our culture, and to working together to create an atmosphere where everyone can flourish and grow.

Purim is a time to celebrate yet another significant triumph in
Jewish history, and another opportunity to come together to nurture and cultivate a flourishing community.

At the commencement of a new season, this time is a reminder that our community thrives in the face challenges, transitions, and in the end, we do triumph.

Our Purim celebration begins on Saturday, March 15. The festivities will include a birthday celebration, ice cream and the Megillah reading. We look forward to having you with us for this
joyous occasion.