Sisterhood News March 201
Thanks so much to Eileen and Jeff Kosterich for being such gracious hosts for our first Sisterhood Happy Hour in February. We enjoyed good food, conversation and Cosmos. I will organize another Happy Hour for late April or early May. Please let me know if you would like to host.
Purim is around the corner. Join us on March 13 at 10 AM to help pack the Shalach Manot boxes. Bring the kids and grandkids to the annual Purim carnival on March 16. Thank you, Julie Miller, for organizing the sale of the Shalach Manot.
Thanks again to Dan Bernick for organizing a wonderful Men’s Club/Sisterhood brunch on February 23rd.
Sisterhood President
Erev Rosh Hashanah Dessert Buffet
The Or Shalom Sisterhood will be sponsoring the annual Dessert Buffet on Rosh Hashanah eve, September 4th. All are welcome after services to join the Rabbi and congregation for a delightful New Year get together. Time to celebrate and catch up after the summer.